(አድማስ ራድዮ) ቅድስት ተመስገን እስር ቤት ገባች።
ቅድስት ተመስገን ጠጥቶ በመንዳት አደረሰች በተባለው የመኪና አደጋ፣ ለአንድ ሰው ሞትና ለሶስት ሰው መጎዳት ምክንያት ሆነች ተብላ ተጠርጥራ እስር ቤት ገባች። ቅድስት 39 ዓመቷ ሲሆን፣ አደጋውን ያደረሰችው እዚሁ ሜትሮ አትላንታ ነው፤ ከተጎዱት ውስጥ የፖሊስ ባልደረባም አለበት። ፖሊስ እንደሚለው ቅድስት፣ ሲግማን በተባለው መንገድ ላይ ካለ ቴክሳኮ ነዳጅ ማደያ ውስጥ ሁለት መኪና ገጭታ ለማምለጥ ሞክራለች፣ ፖሊስ ሲከታተላት ለማምለጥ ባደረገችው ጥረት ነው ይህ ሁሉ አደጋ የደረሰው ተብላ ተጠርጥራለች።
Georgia:- A Decatur, GA resident, Kidist Temesgen is accused for becoming a reason for one dead and three injured, in DUI accident.
It happened on last Thursday, Oct. 10/2014, in Sigman rd, in Conyers, GA. Kidist, after hitting two cars at the parking lot of a taxaco gas station in the area, She fled by driving in speed and apparently in wrong way. A police was informed about the accident and followed her direction. At the end, her car hit another car and killed a female driver and injured the passenger. That car, then, hits another truck and the truck driver, who is also a female got injured. Kidist’s car again rolled around and hit a police car which was around.
Totally, 4 cars involved in the accident, one person died and 3 injured, one of the injured is a police officer. Police said , Kidist Temesgen, who is 39 years old, will be charged in 9 different counts including homicide, DUI, hit and run, injuring 3 people. Admas Radio will have more detail this Saturday.